A Dr Pepper Attitude to Life

I love this message, it was shared on socials by Community of Seven, and it perfectly sums up how I try to live.

Our family have lost too many people, too young; my brother, my cousin, and my husband’s sister all taken too soon. Then about 5 years ago I thought we were losing our eldest daughter, Rebecca, through injuries caused by a nasty seizure and a fall down a flight of stairs. 

Rebecca lived to tell the tale but the experience of seeing her so ill was a life changing one for me.

It was a message that none of us are guaranteed any set length of time on this earth, that each day is precious and that time, energy and thoughts should never be wasted.

So, what changed after my life changing realisation? Well I found a fantastic PT, Fitness by Joda, and I got fit. I’m going to do my damnedest to stick around on this planet we call earth for as long as I possibly can. Staying fit and healthy is a big part of that.

We got two wonderful dogs, Scout and Toby, who I love and who get me out exploring Scotland’s gorgeous countryside on long walks, hill climbs and running. I took up canicross and attend classes with Canifit. Best way to start your weekend days is with a fun trail run, attached to a dog and with a group of likeminded people. 

I dropped the corporate dressing, had my multi-tonal “grown up” long hairdo, cropped and bleached up to a white blond and pink fun style, and decided there was a lot to be said for choosing flats over heels.

I care less what others think. If there’s something I want to do (and I know it won’t harm anyone) then I’ll do it. I no longer try to impress other people, I just try to do the right thing.

I’m definitely braver and have what I call a Dr Pepper attitude to life…if I’m wondering whether I should give something a try, I generally just think what’s the worst that could happen…and I give it a go.

I’m less impressed by material things and am intent on gathering stories, not stuff.

If there’s something I need, I’ll ask for it…the answer might be no, but there’s at least a 50% chance it will be yes.

I joined a couple of charity Boards, silencing my inner imposter from questioning what I could bring to those Boards.

And I joined One Parent Families Scotland to work with them for a year as Ops Director whilst I set up Flexible Childcare Services Scotland. I’m so grateful to Satwat, her team, and the Board at OPFS, for the opportunity they gave me to create something wonderful.

My Dr Pepper attitude runs through all areas of my life and is a core part of how I operate in my role as CEO.

Living life, loving life at FCSS. 


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