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Me as a Trustee

Charities and their trustees A charity Trustee, sometimes also known as a Board Member or Director, is a volunteer who takes on a role to support a charity they care about to achieve its aims. The Scottish Charity regulator, OSCR , describes the Trustee role as being “responsible for the charity's governance and strategy, and for making sure that the charity is administered effectively”. Charities have a governing document, often called the “constitution” that sets out the rules on how the charity will be run, states clearly what its charitable objectives are and explains what it was created to do.  Trustees must act in accordance with their governing document, they have a responsibility to act in the best interest of the charity and the people they serve.  Beyond the formal responsibilities listed by the regulator, being a Trustee is a fantastic way to get involved in a cause you feel passionate about and to help make a difference for your chosen charity’s beneficiaries and its le

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