Accountability, challenging times, a workforce in crisis and more...
Accountability, just one word but with so much meaning and often seen differently by different people.
me accountability is about honesty, responsibility and willingness to do what
has to be done, even when it’s not easy and not what you want to do.
about being there for our team, having their back when needed, and being
willing to be the person in the unenviable “buck stops here” position.
about acknowledging mistakes, apologising where appropriate, and taking
necessary remedial action on time and as promised.
had a tough few weeks at FCSS, in amongst some really positive events, regulatory
activity, team building, and successes there have been a few much less positive
situations. TBH, there have been a few moments where the you know what has hit
that spinning thing, and our team have been in the firing line. I’ve had to
apologise on behalf of the organisation and I’ve had to work alongside our
incredible teams to put things right.
of this has been uncomfortable but fair, some very unfair, and some utter
nonsense, but regardless it has to be dealt with and it’s not been easy.
was a seemingly average day, supporting the team in one of our services, but
yesterday I planned to go home at the end of the day. As the day progressed I
realised that I needed to be there again today for that team, necessitating
another night away from home.
workforce capacity crisis in the early learning and broader childcare sector
has left us struggling to have enough strong leaders to support, and truly
lead, our teams. It has left those teams depleted and created situations where
inexperienced team members are supporting new colleagues, where practitioners
with only a couple of years practice under their belt are training new entrants
and where our succession planning pipeline has run dry.
has created a situation where my only option was to be accountable, to do the
right thing, and to be there for our team.
we slowly recover post Covid, we face staffing pressures, a harsh regulatory
regime and sustainability challenges that are putting Scotland’s early learning
and childcare sector at risk. On a daily basis our sector is losing incredibly good, experienced
practitioners, for whom the whole operating model has just become too
Early learning and childcare, plus school age childcare, are not a “nice to have” they are critical underpinning functions of a thriving and successful country. They help reduce the attainment gap, and provide opportunities that some children may otherwise never have.
So today, as I take accountability, after staying another night away from home, missing my family and my doggos (unnecessary but cute pic alert), to support my FCSS colleagues, I am also asking that our local and national leaders, those responsible for the models of funding and regulation, and those who lead in workforce capacity planning take accountability, and work with this vital sector, to ensure that together we can create a Scotland that truly is the best place to grow up, to live and to work.
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