2024…a look back in gratitude

On this the last day of 2024 I am reflecting on the year that has just passed and thinking about my hopes and plans for 2025.

This time last year, FCSS's future looked uncertain. The changing grants landscape had left us with funding gaps that, at times, seemed pretty insurmountable and required us to dig out of every ounce of resilience I and our team could find within us.

But our belief in the importance of our work, the evidence we had gathered of the huge impact we were delivering for children, families, and communities, and the support of some key external stakeholders (you know who you are and I hope know how grateful I am), got us through.

Our team, our Board, grant funders, and policy makers were all involved in our fight for survival and sustainability and thanks to everyone’s efforts we are making fantastic progress.

In 2024, many of our services reached a point where they could cover their own costs, ensuring their long-term viability. Occupancy levels grew, costs were effectively managed, quality of provision increased, and the scale of our impact grew and grew.

Our digital solutions caught the attention of important contributors, leading us to develop a commercialisation plan that will see Caerus support further growth within FCSS and extend our reach beyond the borders of Scotland into the rest of the UK.

We’ve had new colleagues join the team, renewed service delivery contracts, participated in important test of change projects, secured additional grant funding, been recognised by respected think tanks, worked alongside other incredible social enterprises and their leaders, and reached our five year anniversary with an optimism that is so far removed from this time last year it fills me with joy and gratitude to every person, and organisation, that has helped us navigate this journey. And of course to every parent and/or carer who trusts us to care for their child and support them to flourish as a family.

So as we reach the end of 2024 I’m shouting my thanks to all and looking forward to launching our next 5 year strategy. Onwards and upwards is the plan, impact that is both deeper and wider, new projects, new partnerships, new team members. Inevitably lots of hard work but with a proven model, we know that the work is worth it and offers a route to reducing child and poverty in Scotland and the wider UK.

Here’s to 2025; I'm jumping in with the enthusiasm of a pre-schooler leaping into a puddle and looking forward to a big splash!
