Flexible Working and Flexible Childcare...we're all about the flex!
At FCSS we offer childcare your way to families using our services and work your way flexible models to our team. For us flexibility is just what we do, it makes sense, it works for our business model, fits with our values, and solves problems faced by our client group and the wider childcare sector. What’s not to love about that? Lots of people would say that in a ratio driven business, with legislation that has to be complied with around numbers of adults to children, flexible working wouldn’t or couldn’t work but it can, and it does and here’s how. The childcare sector has really high levels of churn within the workforce, it is a workforce, that despite efforts to increase diversity, is still predominantly made up of young women (who like children). Inevitably a high proportion of people enter the sector, gain qualifications and experience, work for a few years then leave to have their own family. Many want to return to work but the long hours, lack of flexibility and in